Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Art Storage

Depending on the scope of your art collection and available storage space, you can store your art at home or offsite at a professional art storage facility. The most important factors when storing art are protection and preservation. Storing art in a clean, safe, fire proof and temperature controlled environment can prevent accumulation of mold, moisture, fading, tarnish, abrasion or other damage.

If you store work at home, designate a secure, clean and closed off area for the artwork. It is best to have strong shelves and a padded surface off the ground on which art can be placed. Heavier work should be placed closer to the ground. Organize your storage by artist, media or size. If you are storing work in a portfolio case or on a shelf, secure work between two pieces of foam-core or cardboard and store
the work flat.

If your art collection is being stored for a long period of time or if you do not have the available space, an off site art storage facility is a great option.

Criteria for choosing an off-site storage facility:
• 24/7 security system, fire resistive structure
• climate control
• dedicated storage vaults with 24 hour turnkey access
• monitored, restricted and documented access to the facility
• private vaults for collectors requiring a higher level of security and
• personal inspection of the facility